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How IBC Bank Protects You

Online Banking security is one of IBC Bank's top priorities. We strive to provide the highest levels of confidentiality and information security to protect the accounts of our online banking customers and keep their personal information secure.

Online Banking Security

IBC Online Banking security measures are thorough and effective:

  • Encryption technology scrambles information as it travels over the Internet
  • Firewalls only allow messages from authorized sources into the system and keep unauthorized users out
  • Access to IBC Bank Online requires a Private Login ID and Password
  • IBC Bank Online sessions automatically terminate if there is no computer activity for ten minutes and a repetition of the login process is required for reconnection
  • If a wrong Login ID and Password are entered at Sign On for the third time, the Login ID is automatically locked out, and contact with an IBC Bank representative is required to reset the password for that Login ID.

Protecting your identity

There are also measures you can take to protect your online identity:

  • Never provide personal financial information in response to an unsolicited Internet request
  • Never provide your Social Security number in response to an unsolicited Internet request
  • Never provide your password over the phone or in response to an unsolicited Internet request
  • Never click on a link provided in an e-mail you do not know to be safe
  • Do not be intimidated by suggestions of dire consequences if you do not provide the requested information
  • Call IBC Bank yourself if you believe a contact may not be legitimate
  • At least once a year, order credit reports from the 3 credit bureaus and look for unusual activity
  • Review account statements regularly to ensure all charges are correct
  • Keep track of when your bills are received - missing bills can be a red flag for ID theft
  • Shred all documents containing personal data before throwing them in the garbage
  • Alert your financial institution immediately if you fall victim to an attack
  • Report suspicious e-mails or calls to the Federal Trade Commission at, or 1-877-IDTHEFT
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